Annual Eye Care
The visual system is a delicate and complicated part of the human anatomy. All parts of the eye and many parts of the body affect your ability to see correctly. In our comprehensive eye exam, the health of your eyes is fully evaluated.
Carolina Eye Care caters to the individual needs of each patient with well trained staff members who provide personalized attention. We do much more than just check your vision and provide you with eyeglasses. We provide comprehensive eye care and full treatment and management of eye conditions in order to ensure internal and external eye health and correct vision. We find that our extensive use of technology and highly trained staff allows Dr. Lafone to spend more one-on-one time with our patients.
You will find that your eye examination is a pleasant and interesting experience. Based on modern optometric techniques, the examination consists of a series of tests integrated with each other that allow us to observe and measure your eyes with your active participation. Additional tests will be performed to assess the muscular balance of your eyes; how well your eyes work as a team, and how well your eyes focus.
At the conclusion of the exam, we will explain the results of the tests and make recommendations for any needed preventative or remedial vision care. When you visit our office, you will leave knowing you have had a comprehensive vision and eye health examination by experienced and caring professionals

Pediatric Eye Exams
According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), infants should have their first comprehensive eye exam at 6 months of age. Children then should receive additional eye exams at 3 years of age, and just before they enter kindergarten or the first grade at about age 5 or 6.
For school-aged children, the AOA recommends an eye exam every two years if no vision correction is required. Children who need eyeglasses or contact lenses should be examined annually or according to their eye doctor’s recommendations. It's important for parents to make sure their children's eyes are healthy. Approximately 80 percent of all learning during a child's first 12 years comes through vision.
Good eye health and vision is important to your child's learning, and vision problems can affect their performance in school. Undetected or untreated vision problems can hinder a child's ability to perform to their full potential in school. In fact, many eye diseases can impair vision or lead to vision loss, which is why it is important for people of all ages to have their eyes checked regularly.
At least 10 to 15 percent - or 8 to 12 million - children are at risk for vision impairment.
Prevention of these conditions can be easy and can help your student perform his or her best at academics and sports, so schedule your child's eye exam today! While you're at it, schedule your own exam too!
I'm Seeing Fine, Why Do I Need an Eye Exam?
Glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration are just a few of the common eye diseases which affect older patients.
Even if your vision is fine, annual eye health exams can detect eye and systemic diseases in the early stages when it is easier to prevent vision loss. Help maintain quality of life with good eye care.
People with diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis and taking certain medications are especially at risk for eye diseases and vision loss.
Everyone wants to protect the eyesight and overall health for themselves and their loved ones - that is why annual eye exams are important. Regular eye care and exams can protect and prevent many eye diseases, if detected early.
Today, a whole range of eye problems can be treated successfully without total vision loss.
Many vision problems can begin at an early age too, so it's important for children to receive proper eye care from the time they are infants.